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Autism or ASD

MeRT: A New Approach To Autism Treatment That Gets Results!

At our clinic, we are committed to walking this journey with you and your child. Our mission is to do so with the utmost compassion and care.

The MeRT Approach to Autism Treatment

To help your child, the Brain Treatment Center provides a breakthrough technology: MeRT or Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy. MeRT uses gentle magnetic waves to balance and stimulate brain function, guided by sophisticated diagnostics and imaging. And MeRT is compatible with most other types of therapy.

Our clinic in Youngstown is the flagship clinic for MeRT where all other MeRT clinic physicians are trained. We’ve been treating autism very successfully here at the Brain Treatment Center for many years and we hold children and their well-being in the highest regard. We are committed to walking this journey with you and your child. Our mission is to do so with the utmost compassion and care.

Call Our New Patient Coordinator to Learn More


MeRT: A Customized Approach to Autism Treatment

MeRT, or Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, combines three procedures: 1. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS, an FDA-cleared therapy), 2. Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG), and 3. Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG).

Here’s how it works: In the brain of a child with autism, an EEG will show electrical signals that differ from those of a child with no signs of autism. From this EEG, we can then see the specific areas to address. As a result, we can customize TMS treatment for each child based on the results of their EEG. We also tailor the frequency, location, and power used. We do this with gentle magnetic waves that balance and stimulate brain function.

Studies have shown that it can be instrumental in helping many children develop skills to function more normally. Additionally, MeRT can be used with other therapies to help get more out of those therapies.

MeRT’s Effectiveness in Treating ASD Symptoms: Studies and Reports

Targeted rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) is a key element of our MeRT treatment for autism. Many studies show the effectiveness of rTMS for autism treatment. Here are some of the most recent:

  • A 2022 study on the effectiveness of rTMS in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms: “This study presents evidence on the efficacy and safety of α-rTMS in improving ASD symptoms, quality of life, and comorbid sleep troubles in children.”

  • A 2019 study found that rTMS may improve brain activity and behavior in children with ASD: “In conclusion, the study showed that treatment with prefrontal low‐frequency rTMS improved brain functioning and behavioral symptoms in autism. rTMS might be a better alternative for patients with ASD who are not suitable for the psychopharmacological treatments.”

  • A 2016 report concluded that MeRT is a promising therapeutic option to treat ASD with minimal side effects: “Given our understanding of the EEG and the consistent abnormalities in the electrophysiology of children with ASD, we would suggest that MRT is an appropriate therapeutic option to further pursue.”

  • A 2020 review of 13 clinical trials found that rTMS appears to be safe and to improve many ASD symptoms: “Recent reviews of the literature suggest that TMS is safe and effective when used in ASD.”

As MeRT is EEG-guided rTMS it is even more tailored to each individual based on their brain scans, making it even more effective!

This place is amazing!! We brought our daughter here for an assessment and decided to proceed with treatment. On the EEG we were able to see where there could be improvements – after 2 weeks of treatment another EEG is done so you can compare and contrast to make sure the treatment is working. There is notable improvements in her cognition and her ability to focus at school. The staff is courteous and very friendly. They always make my daughter feel comfortable with treatment. The staff is also very responsive when I had questions. I highly recommend this place!” – Grace H.

Autism is Different for Every Child

Each child with autism is unique and has different severity levels. Every child will have their own patterns of dealing with the outside world, as well as different ways of communicating. Autism can affect intelligence levels, yet some children have high levels, and some don’t. But even highly intelligent children with autism can lack common sense, social skills, and the ability to communicate. They can also have coping dysfunctions. Because each child is different, their brain frequencies will also be different. That’s why we tailor MeRT treatment protocols to help restore their brain function optimally.

Autism has no known definite cause. According to research, inherited genetic factors account for about 80% of cases.

Additionally, studies are ongoing to determine if environmental exposures can contribute to autism. And it is possible that viral infections, medications, or pregnancy complications can also be a cause. However, no matter the cause, there are treatments such as MeRT that can improve symptoms and quality of life.

There is Hope for Those With Autism

MeRT, (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) is an amazing technology that has helped thousands of patients with autism. It is non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical. The primary goal of treatment is to improve the functionality o

f the brain. This allows the patient to function more independently and to allow them to function at their full potential. The Brain Treatment Center in Youngstown was the first clinic to offer this treatment. Thousands of our patients who have gone through MeRT treatment have seen some amazing results.

Common benefits include:

  • Increased sociability

  • Less anxiety, less frustration, and a lessening of stimming behaviors

  • Ability to communicate more effectively

  • More “presence” and participation in the world going on around them

  • Better language skills

  • Improved connection with others

  • More independence

  • A better understanding of and response to commands

  • Better ability to adapt to a changing environment

  • Improved ability to cope with stress

  • Increased motivation to learn

  • Improved emotional stability

  • Increased attention span

  • Mood improvement

  • Increased relaxation

  • Improved response to other Autistic therapies

Many therapies for autism help to some degree, and we encourage patients to continue to take part in other programs. Our treatment optimizes brain communication and function. MeRT also helps patients gain more from their other therapies!

My son Kelii had vaccine poisoning and got brain damage due to neurotoxicity. He became very violent, nonverbal, and had severe autistic behaviors—he was so violent that he gave four stitches on my lip and nerve damage on my left eye…. I couldn’t be alone with my son and couldn’t hug or touch him. It broke my heart.
My husband and I brought my son to California from Hawaii to go to the Brain Treatment Center. Within one week of the treatment my son was more calm and I got to hug him for the first time in two years. My son did six weeks of treatment and he received another four weeks…. He is much calmer and started playing ping [pong], shooting basketball, kicking the soccer ball, exercising, started volunteering at different programs, catching the city bus with his para-workers and started talking!!! I love BTC because they gave me back my son.” – Melodee Haole
Excellent service, very friendly and professional staff. Highly recommended. In the first two weeks we began to see small changes, as the therapy progressed there were more changes, my son spoke more, more eye contact, he was more integrated into the family and his environment, better sleep quality (now he sleeps through the night); he had moments of hyper activity as a side effect but these disappeared at the end of the therapy. There is no better fight than the one that is not done, it is worth risking, it is worth trying, it is worth MERT. We are happy with our son’s changes!!!!” – Maria

“We’ve seen some promising results in autism.”

EEGs (electrical pictures of the brain) can tell us when there are abnormalities in neural networks. … And we run that data through a normative database, and we can see, for example, if somebody has an area in the left prefrontal cortex that’s cycling at two Hertz — which means that they may be only processing information two times per second — whereas the rest of their brain may be cycling 11 times per second. … MeRT was engineered to be a brain optimization technology where we’re trying to increase the coherence, [so] different areas of the brain can communicate with each other and improve the metabolic efficiency of the brain. With that in mind, we do see some improvements across a number of different dimensions. We’ve seen some improvements and some promising results in autism.” – Dr. Erik Won, President of Wave Neuroscience, from his appearance on the Broken Brain podcast

Testimony from a father who brought his son for treatment all the way from South Korea!

Flying over to the US from South Korea just to get MeRT treatment was not the easiest decision I had to make. But I definitely think it was one of the best decisions I have made for my child for his autism. I want to say that MeRT has changed my son’s life. I want to thank everyone who works at BTC Youngstown! Dr. Kim was always very nice and kind to our family. She answered all of our questions, even the ones we thought it was too trivial to ask.
All of the technicians at BTC Youngstown were awesome. They were all very patient with my child, who is very sensitive and has a very low level of concentration, so that he could go through everyday’s therapy with no problem. I really felt like every technician truly cared about all the children who were there getting MeRT, and I personally think this is the most important aspect to consider when getting MeRT, because the staff are the ones that the children would interact with every day. Last, but not least, the patient care coordinators were very helpful with the schedules, documents, etc. They made our visit much more comfortable. Thank you all very much!
I want to discuss how MeRT has helped my child. There are 3 major changes I have noticed about my child after 8 weeks of treatment. First, the eye contact. Like most autistic kids, my child’s ability to keep eye contact was very poor. After the treatment, his eye contact lasts much longer, many times for the entire conversation. Not only does he look at me longer, but he really LOOKS at me.
Second, his awareness has improved. When I tried to talk to him before, he would mostly repeat what I had just said. After the treatment, he seems to better understand what I am saying to him. Now, he demands more, he is more insistent (in a good way), and heals uses many new words. Our communication is much more meaningful.
Last, he has improved in fine motor skills. My child did not show much interest in using pencils or scissors, because he simply could not use them very well. But now, he draws pictures and writes letters with different writing tools, and even cuts out complex shapes with scissors.
MeRT did not cure my child. However, out of many different therapies I had for him for the past several years, this has been the most effective therapy by far which brought noticeable changes in a short period of time. I hope this testimonial would help the parents who are considering MeRT for their child, and also wish that more autistic children can benefit from MeRT!” – J. Her

Is MeRT the Right Treatment for Your Child?

We understand that MeRT is a relatively new treatment, and you may not feel certain if this is the right approach. But this is not something you need to decide right away—or all alone. Your first step would be a no-obligation phone consultation with our New Patient Coordinator. She can answer your questions, explain protocols and fees, and address your concerns.

Getting Started With MeRT Treatment for Autism

If you’re interested in taking the next step to see if MeRT treatment is right for your child, we can set up an appointment for a qEEG (a simple, painless, and non-invasive brain scan). This test will allow us to see EXACTLY what is going on in their brain. We individualize treatment based on your child’s exact needs.

When you come for your first appointment, it will last approximately 45 minutes to an hour. We will gather your new patient paperwork, and our neuro technician will perform a qEEG and EKG to evaluate brain activity. At your qEEG appointment, we will set up the schedule with you for your assessment period, should you decide to proceed.

After we get the results of the qEEG, our team of experienced doctors and scientists will study and analyze the results. This enables us to determine how your child may benefit from treatment. It also enables us to come up with a specific treatment program for your child.

Your second appointment is 45 minutes long. During this time, you will meet with Dr. Tarun Mehra for your clinical evaluation. She will answer any questions that you may have and discuss your child’s treatment plan. Please note thatDr. Tarun Mehra oversees treatment for every patient.

At this point, you can decide if you would like to take the next step: A short period of initial treatment. This assessment period will determine how well your child responds before you commit to the full treatment period.

If you are not yet ready to commit to going through an assessment period of treatment, that is no problem. You can bring your child in for their qEEG and consult. Our doctor will review the results before proceeding with the assessment period.

Assessment Period

The assessment period lasts two weeks. The assessment period will help determine how your child responds to treatment. At the end of the assessment period, we will complete a second qEEG to note any changes occurring in the brain.

After completing a two-week assessment period, they will have five treatment sessions the first week, Monday through Friday. The second week will consist of four sessions, Monday through Thursday, followed by a repeat qEEG to determine progress.

If progress is positive, we will schedule subsequent two-week treatment periods through the end of treatment. Each treatment period lasts for two weeks, and you must be able to stay in Youngstown or the surrounding area. For long-lasting results, we recommend that your child completes a total of six weeks of treatment. As treatment progresses, you should also begin to notice changes in the way your child is feeling and acting.

Please note that results and improvements depend on active and strict observation of our regimens. Results may vary based on the individual users and are not guaranteed.


The results of therapy can vary per individual. In general, the longer the length of MeRT therapy, the longer the changes remain. Since each brain is unique, the protocol will be different for each patient. We use the results of the qEEG to customize treatment specifically for your child. Generally, the results of treatment can last a lifetime. Some parents do prefer occasional follow-up treatment as needed at a later date.

A typical treatment session takes about 45 minutes. Your child will sit in a chair while the neurotechnician administers the treatment via a hand-held magnet near the scalp. The gentle magnetic impulses last for six to eight seconds each minute. There may be a slight sensation felt while the treatment is occurring, but it is not painful or uncomfortable.

Each individual is different, and protocols may vary. Your provider will have regularly scheduled follow-up EEGs and meet with you to gauge your child’s progress.

This place is amazing. The people are wonderful. As a mother of a 31 year old autistic son, this place has given me hope. My son is doing much better and we are excited about our future. Seeing changes in him that I only dreamed of. The staff is incredible. Thank you so much!” – Justin (Parent of child with autism treated with MeRT)

Call Our New Patient Coordinator to Learn More


Autism Parenting Magazine Features Successful Treatment with MeRT

In the third week, something happened. The family was driving around sight-seeing when they realized that they were getting lost in the California desert. Mary and Frank began to argue, and right in the midst of it, the moment they had waited six years for finally came. “I remember he said a seven-word sentence basically to the effect of ‘I want you two to stop fighting.’ And it shocked me so much that I almost stopped breathing,” Frank recounts. “I looked at my wife and said ‘Do you realize what just happened? He just said a seven-word sentence.’ I had tears in my eyes, and I was happy at the same time.
From there, Frankie’s progress snowballed. They returned home after only a month, but the difference between the child who arrived in California and the one who left was striking. They had taken a video of Frankie on the plane when they started the journey, “and he’s just making baby babble,” Frank says. “We have another video of him on the plane coming back. And he looks out the window and says, ‘Goodbye California, see you soon.’ This was a nonverbal kid, 30 days later. And his feet are flat on the ground.”
Doctors said Frankie would continue to improve even without regular MeRT, albeit a bit slower. Today, he is 11 years old, verbal, and attends a public school. He tells Frank stories about times when he wanted to speak but couldn’t. “He goes ‘You know, I’m so glad we went to the brain treatment because now I can talk,’” says Frank.

Some Impressive Statistics

In an internal double-blind, randomized controlled trial of MeRT treatment for Autism symptoms:

66% experienced speech improvement This included those with verbal and non-verbal communication difficulties.

70% improved their eye contact behavior These patients had previously had difficulty maintaining eye contact.

Mikey’s Story

Considering MeRT treatment for your child? This Video is a MUST-WATCH

The Autism One Conference has a wealth of information ranging from the science behind MeRT treatment and autism to case studies that show actual results. Sandy Lee, M.D., Alex Ring, Chief Brain Scientist at Wave Neuroscience, and Miriam Gimal, mom of an autistic child, all take part and offer their insights into how MeRT can help children with autism. The presenters also cover the typical brain patterns seen in autistic children and testimonials. This is a “Must Watch” for any parent considering MeRT treatment for their autistic child! CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO!

MeRT Treatment for Autism Featured on “The Doctors” TV Show

An episode of “The Doctors” featured the Brain Treatment Center and MeRT. They discussed the treatment of autism using MeRT Technology. You can see this episode HERE.

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